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Now's the Time to Get Gardening

Now's the Time to Get Gardening

If ever there was a time to start a garden, it seems to be now. There is chatter all over social media about starting Victory Gardens and planting extra vegetables to help the food banks. Getting your hands in the dirt does feel very therapeutic and having food and flowers to show for it is very rewarding. We’ve pulled together some resources to help you to start a garden or become a more productive gardener. 

Sunnyside Nursery is one of our favorite nurseries and their website is packed with information to help you be a successful gardener. You can check out blog posts by The Whistling Gardener as well as their Info Hub that seems to cover pretty much every topic you might have questions about.  Also, while they are not doing classes at the nursery right now, they have very detailed notes from past classes.   

The Snohomish Conservation District runs a program called Lawns to Lettuce to encourage landowners to convert some of their property for growing edibles. Their site has advice on building healthy soil, protecting pollinators, minimizing pesticide use, reducing runoff and conserving water - all good things for the environment. They have a Facebook community so you can ask questions from like-minded gardeners.   

Live in Everett is running a series of vegetable gardening articles written by local neighbors with a love of gardening. Check out posts to get tips on starting vegetables from seed, advice on the easiest vegetables to grow, and learn about gardening on a budget.

Washington State University has a comprehensive Gardening Resource page full of web links including information about insects and plant diseases as well as how to deal with wildlife and weeds. Hopefully, you won’t have any gardening issues, but this looks to be a pretty solid website to bookmark if you do need help. 

Read up, grab your shovel, don your gloves and get outside into the dirt. 

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