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Seasonal Delights: Stormwater Parks

Seasonal Delights: Stormwater Parks

Okay, maybe stormwater isn’t delightful especially if you’ve had a flooded basement, but stay with us and we’ll tell you something about Everett parks that is indeed delightful. 

What is stormwater?

Stormwater is all the rain and melted snow that runs off our street and into the storm drains all over the city. As we build more homes, roads and parking lots, we have even more stormwater we need to manage because the water can not penetrate those surfaces. 

What are the problems with stormwater?

If there is too much stormwater it will cause flooding and damages property. It will also displace and destruct bodies of water causing harm to creatures dependent on them. 

How is stormwater managed?

One way stormwater is managed is with retention ponds or pools. Some look like a little pond and others are cement structures surrounded by chain-link fencing. A retention pond holds the water and lets it slowly soak into the ground and back into our groundwater. 

So what is the good news? 

Now for the exciting news. What if we could use water retention areas as either interpretive or active parks? 

We have many areas of Everett that are considered “park deficient” meaning parks are not easily accessible without taking a motorized vehicle. We also have many areas where Public Works is planning for stormwater retention. AND, many of those retention areas are in park deficient areas of the city. 

The Parks and Recreation Operation Plan (PROS) was recently approved by the Park Board of Commissioners and the Everett City Council. The 6-year plan includes efforts to have equitable access to parks throughout the city. One way we may be able to do that is by creating stormwater parks. Potential locations are being identified for city administration and council approval.  

An interpretive stormwater park may have a walking path with thoughtfully planted native species and information posted to educate the public about the site. An active park would have some features such as play equipment for kids. An active park can sometimes even be built on top of a retention area. 

Beautifying our retention areas and creating attractive and fun spaces for neighbors, we think stormwater parks are delightful! 

The City of Everett is seeking public comment by March 18 on the Stormwater Management Program (SWMP). The plan describes actions to reduce stormwater runoff to Everett’s waterways.  

If you like the idea of stormwater parks, let the Everett City Council know.  


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