
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, style, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!

Four Fun Things: Get Gardening

Four Fun Things: Get Gardening

The weather’s warming and the birds are chirping. That means it's time to get back out in the garden! That also means troubleshooting who is munching on your bulbs and of course weeding. But there’s lots of fun too. Plant fun that is. We love plants and look forward to planning this year's garden and filling it with new plants. Here are some of our favorite plant sources, plus some tips on other supplies you’ll need to grow a great garden. 


We love to browse a plant nursery, for hours sometimes, but if you just need a few flowers or vegetable starts, stop by Sno-Isle Food Co-op and Co-op Supply. They always have a solid selection of the most popular starts. If you are looking for a more, all-inclusive experience, head to Sunnyside Nursery. They have everything you need including expert advice, classes and a huge selection of plants to choose from. 

Plant Sales

Plant sales can be hit or miss depending on what you are looking for, but they are always fun nonetheless. Maybe you were looking for a specific tomato start but end up with a hosta instead. That’s a win in our book. Here are some upcoming plant sales. 

April 30 Snohomish Garden Club Plant Sale

May 7 Snohomish County Master Gardner Sale

May 7 Everett Garden Club Plant Sale

June 18-20 Evergreen Arboretum and Gardens Annual Plant Sale

And if you didn’t know, the Snohomish Conservation District has a native plant sale every year. You already missed this year’s event, but you can get on the mailing list for next year by signing up here


So now you’ve got more plants than you know what to do with. You also still have that weeding that needs to be done. We’ve found that weeding with a scuffle hoe and laying down a thick layer of mulch will keep weeds at bay. Terry Bockovich from Down to Earth Community Gardens has found that mulch is a quick way to make more space for gardening too. A very economical way to get mulch is from Chip Drop. It is a service that connects arborists with people needing mulch. 


If you use your yard waste bin for food composting, there’s something satisfying about using local Cedar Grove compost in the garden and seeing our food waste come full circle. We like to add compost to our garden each year to boost nutrients. Cedar Grove can be found in most garden centers, but they also have a delivery service. You can order and pay online and they will drop them off at your home - giving you more time to spend shopping for plants. 

So what are you waiting for? That’s all we have for you so get out and garden! 

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Everett Archives: The History of Garfield Park

Everett Archives: The History of Garfield Park

Everett Real Estate Market Update April 2022

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