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Winter is Coming, Get Your Garden Ready

Winter is Coming, Get Your Garden Ready

With the torrential rain and thunderstorms, it seems winter is coming a little sooner than usual, so make haste and get your garden ready.  Here are some ideas to get you started.  

Shop the Leftovers

Head to a local nursery and check for sad, end-of-the-season perennials that no one wanted.  Plant them now and they will soak in the rain all winter long—building a robust root system. You’ll have a beautiful plant come spring.   

Skip The Pruning

Save time by putting off pruning your perennials until late winter or early spring. The plants will create beautiful silhouettes in your garden, provide seeds for birds and create a natural rain block that will help keep your soil from compacting. 

Plant a Spring Salad

In our typically mild winters, it is easy to grow a winter garden. Pick up some cool weather vegetable starts like arugula, broccoli or lettuce; get them planted now and add a row cover to help keep them warm.  Wait until early spring, and you should have a bounty of vegetables to harvest.


If you’ve got some grit or a bunch of friends to help you, order a truck full of wood chips from Chipdrop and mulch your garden. Mulching helps to suppress weeds and keeps the soil from compacting—making any weeds that get through easy to pull out.  Mulch will slowly decompose and add rich nutrients to the soil.  

Order Plants

Take a look around your yard and make a note of where you might need some new plants. Then sign up for the Snohomish Conservation Districts Annual Plant Sale notification. Every year they sell affordable native plants, shrubs and trees perfect for our climate. Orders are typically taken at the end of the year and you can pick up your plants in February.  

What will you tackle first?  Maybe a trip to one of Our 4 Favorite Local Nurseries is the first thing in order!

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Everett Archives: Before the Washington School Became Washington Oakes

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